Wednesday, June 23, 2010

mamma bird and the baby bird....

way back to home from office ,walking towards the bus stop today , me and my colleagues spotted a tiny dark green baby bird sitting on a small bush,almost camoufalged by the surrounding leaves.It was staring around,little scared,may be little wondering(as we spotted that,it might have also spotted us....).It resembled a sparrow,was coloured black and had a streak of yellow line on the beak like a yellow chaplin moustache.The tiny little black beauty,was so near to me,i wanted to play with it(wonder it was he bird or she bird).I controlled my feelings and started taking pictures.Slowly went nearby ,carefull that it should not fly out.Just then a person passed by us showing me where that baby bird mother was.I was awe stuck.The mamma bird was sitting atop on the next tree and had her complete attention on its baby.We were informed its the way the mamma bird teaches her baby how to fly.She leaves them alone for some time and hides watching there moments.In anycase danger comes around she is all set to rescue.This bird specie was small but was told can even save there baby from eagles.I have read stories about,heard from elders,that experience is the best teacher.An experience lives through us, and is cherished.It is probably because it teaches a lesson or gives joy.Saw that today and feeling the same happening around.Some times they are through taxing modes and sometime gala times.It was time for the bus to come and we had to leave.I dont know what happened to that baby bird,how she learned flying ,did any danger came around , how would have mamma bird saved her.But i hope and feel things would have gone smoothly.After the baby bird grows up, i might not be able to recognise it, but hope the baby bird would have added my presence in her learning lessons.


  1. Dips....Ur slowly and surely transforming to an awesome writer....ur keen sense of details is mindblowing :)
